Sunday 10 June 2007

Welcome to our first blog!

Hello children! You may be wandering... What is a blog??? Why a J4 blog??? Ok. Let's go step by step. Firstly, a blog is a web page with information about a particular subject. There are different kinds of blogs, and we can create one, or many. You can use blogs for many purposes: to give opinions, to share information or news, to tell people about a trip, etc. In fact, the word blog comes from a combination of two words: "web" + "log", which form "weblog". This word is then is shortened to "blog". You already know what the web is (remember Happy Earth?) A "log" is an official written record of events, especially on a journey in a ship or plane. The captain of a ship usually keeps a record of whatever happens during the journey, so that anyone can read it once the journey finishes. This one is called an "edublog"; it was created with the idea of using it at school to communicate, publish, organize, store and share information with your teacher. WHEN YOU WORK ON THIS BLOG, REMEMBER TO FOLLOW YOUR TEACHER'S INSTRUCTIONS VERY CAREFULLY. So... let's get started! Good luck!!! See you soon!


Anonymous said...

hello miss marcela 1 i no find the comentarios then i find i m
doing the drawing good by

Marcela Liporace Murga said...

Great, Luisa! First girl who "posted" a comment (two boys left comments under the other post)! Congratulations!
Don't forget your Capital Letters...
See you tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Hello Miss Marcela. I like your page very much because we can connect with you.
Good night.

Marcela Liporace Murga said...

Good Rochi!! I'm glad you learnt how to post a comment in our blog!
I hope you write many comments in the future!
See you tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Miss Marcela: I saw the verb, tomorrow I well tell you the verb.

See you tomorrow!

Marcela Liporace Murga said...

Great Rocío! Can you remember the three of them????
Tomorrow you tell me, bye!

Anonymous said...

hello! marece I`M MARIA Ido the 3 cpies
fresh fried fish (3)
or fish fried fresh
see you tomorow !

Marcela Liporace Murga said...

Hello Mary! I left a comment under the other post, where you left the first one!
Let's see if you can say that tongue twister very quicky tomorrow at school!!!
Bye! See you tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Miss marcela I like the new things you put. I saw the song and I sing.
See you on Friday

Marcela Liporace Murga said...

Hi, Rocío! I'm so happy you saw the animation and SANG the song!
See you on Friday!

Anonymous said...

hello Miss Marcela tomorrou we have the dictation. Florencia

Marcela Liporace Murga said...

Hello Florencia!! What a nice surprise to see you could post your comment today!
Yes, we are having the dictation tomorroW!
So...see you there at school!

Anonymous said...

hello miss marcela

mateo marco

Anonymous said...

hello Miss Marcela we are in Florencias house.Mica,Euge,Maria and Florencia .We like your song very much is very nice for what day is the sport poster?

Marcela Liporace Murga said...

Hi, Matu! I'm glad to find you around again... Did you see the animation of the water cycle, and did you sing along "Raindrops..."?
You tell me on Tuesday, ok?
Nice weekend,

Marcela Liporace Murga said...

Hello girls! Good that you are together, I imagine you could sing along very well!!
You have to start getting your posters ready for Monday 25th, we'll talk about that next Tuesday.
Now enjoy your long weekend!
See you!

Anonymous said...

hello Miss Marcela we read what you write to as thance (gracias) Florencia and Maria

Marcela Liporace Murga said...

You are welcome, girlies! Remember spelling: THANKS, US and WROTE (past!)
Nice weekend,