Monday 25 June 2007

WATER IN MAR DEL PLATA This is an interesting site to visit and learn about water in our city. See you around!


Anonymous said...

Hello Miss Marcela I am in Bs As What is homework for Manday Mateo

Marcela Liporace Murga said...

WOW!!! It's excellent to have you working so far away, Matu! The homework for MONDAY is to read the blog, learn the song and poem, and sometime later today I will include something fun to do, so try to see it later, ok?
See you

Anonymous said...

hello miss marcela
i am stud the poem for tomorow.
good by georgina

Marcela Liporace Murga said...

Good Georgina... you mean you ARE STUDYING the poem? I hope you can learn it quickly!!