Wednesday 13 June 2007

Let's sing along!

I promise I will learn how to make the fonts BIGGER!


Anonymous said...

hello miss marcela! i like the song very much.

Marcela Liporace Murga said...

Hello Euge!!!!!! How are you??? Could you sing along the song with the lyrics? I am very happy you could post a comment in our blog, and I hope you write again some day.
(Ah! Don't forget your capital letters!!)

See you tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Hello Miss Marcela:
Isee the song i sing it


Anonymous said...

hello miss marcela
now i going to do the three copies .here i am with bauti z in my house

bauti SR bauti Z

Anonymous said...

hello marcela

I like the song very very very very much witht bauti s in bauti's house

bauti sr bauti z

Marcela Liporace Murga said...

Lucio, great that you SAW the song and you SANG it!!! Did you like it?
See you tomorrow!!

Marcela Liporace Murga said...

Super, Bautista SR!! Great you could post a comment and do the three copies! I'm really glad.
See you tomorrow!

Marcela Liporace Murga said...

Bautistas; I'm really pleased you liked the song SO, SO, SO, SO much!!! Will you sing it together at school tomorrow????????
See you!

Anonymous said...


now i going to do the drawing of water

bauti Z BAUTI F

Marcela Liporace Murga said...

Bautista F!!!!!!!!!!I'm very happy to see you have also posted a comment together with Bauti Z!
I hope to see you around more often!
Bye bye!