Sunday, 2 September 2007


This is an interesting link to find out why some animals are in danger of extinction:

Write down the most important facts on a sheet of paper in your folder to share them at school.

Good luck!


Anonymous said...

Miss Marcela:
I doing oral of animals in exctintion but for when it is?
Can you tell me? kiss, Rocio.

Anonymous said...

for when is the oral of animal in exctintion? Rocio

Marcela Liporace Murga said...

Hello Rocío, Super you are working on the oral presentation of the animals in danger of EXTINCTION. It is for tomorrow, Tuesday. I guess some people will have to do it on Wednesday, too.
See you!

Anonymous said...

hello miss marcela I write today
you saw de mach of monaco and djocobich?
good by

Marcela Liporace Murga said...

DID you SEE the match, Fran? Was it interesting??? Unfortunately, I did not have any free time!!
See you tomorrow, and thanks for writing again... GOODBYE!

Anonymous said...

yesterday rememberthat towomorow we have the games in rumenco
in the page of
I saw oround the wordl in 80 days and it was the games to
good by