Saturday, 30 June 2007

WATER WORDS!! Can you find the words in the soup?


Anonymous said...

hollo missmarcela i'm working


Anonymous said...

Miss Marcela how we play words in the soup.?

Anonymous said...

Miss Marcela how we play words in the soup.?

Marcela Liporace Murga said...

HELLO Vero, did you ask this question: "How DO we play with the letter soup?" He or She forgot to sign. You just have to look at the soup and find the words!! You don't have to click or do anything!
Maybe you can print it, I haven't tried...

Anonymous said...

hello miss marcela .
what a fun soup letters!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hello Miss Marcela :
what a fun soup letters!

Marcela Liporace Murga said...

Hello Lucio,
I am glad you liked the LETTER SOUP... Tomorrow you tell me which words you found, ok?
See you!

Anonymous said...

Hello Mis Marcela: I am in computer satade with Vero and Mari . We lake the song and the games . what are you doing at the week end

see you ¡¡¡
mari ,vero

Anonymous said...

hello miss Marcela : Can you send this mail to Flopi?
yes , o,no
hello flopi what are you doing

see you
mari vero

Anonymous said...

Marcela : Did you anser my coment ? Were are ??????????????????
good by !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maria Illa
-Can you do it ?

M ------ I-------
Asta mañana !!!!!!!!!!!!

Desile a Pato que duma bien !!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

hello miss marcela i don't send the mail of haw to play the game


Marcela Liporace Murga said...

Hello Mary and Vero!
I read the comment you wrote in COMPUTER STUDIES yesterday, thanks...
You ask me what I am doing at the weekend? Do you mean next weekend? I WILL REST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And you?
Girls, the blog is not to send mails among yourselves, just to comment on the different posts. NO SPANISH, please!
Mary you asked me WHERE my answer was, but I did not have time to answer yesterday! (Sorry!)
Are you good at the hangman? Do you know the songs and the poem?
See you tomorrow AT THE PROJECT!!!