Friday 6 July 2007

I also wanted to share this nice story written by an American girl in FIRST GRADE! It is about a dog called "Copperella" (remember "Cinderella?) And don't miss the interview at the end... Would you like to do something similar at school? Think about it and we see on Tuesday! Enjoy it!


Anonymous said...

hello marcela . I the vidio of coperlla and the short vidio .............

FRAN ...

Marcela Liporace Murga said...

Hello Fran... I guess you SAW the VIDEO of COPPERELLA, and the short one on water. Did you like them?
See you!

Anonymous said...

hello miss marcela . i sow the video


Anonymous said...

hello miss marcela i'm satading for the test i don't conectit on monday , saturday and sanday because i was satding

see you

Marcela Liporace Murga said...

Vero, hello!! Remember you must type slowly, so as to avoid making spelling mistakes...
Good you are STUDYING, and you spent SATURDAY, SUNDAY and MONDAY STUDYING, too! It was a pity you did not visit the blog, but don't worry. I will not remove the posts, so you will have plenty of time to read and reread them.
See you!

Anonymous said...

hello miss marcela
i saw the vidio and it was interesting.

Anonymous said...

hello miss marcela
how are you.
see you tomorow in the comunion
by georgina

Anonymous said...

miss marcela
what day whe are going
to do the story? good by georgina