Thursday, 13 December 2007


Hello children!

We are about to reach the end of a year of hard work and effort... Before we say goodbye, I wanted to share something I read during the AFTER-PLAY, the day we staged "Circle of Life".

I read it to the J6 children, parents and teachers, but today I wanted to share it with you, who also took part in this great school project.

Before you start reading, play the video. The idea is that you should listen to the song on the piano as you read along, kind of "background music". The words were written by my youngest sister. Enjoy!

“Great and small” took part in this wonderful project and a real “Circle of life” was displayed right in front of our eyes tonight. Let the message brought to us through the powerful images and music, linger in our souls, away from time and space, in deep gratitude and as a reminder to do the same.

Because this play has been an invitation to find our place. And to become aware that there is more to be seen, than can ever be seen: and more to do, than can ever be done, only if we remember who we really are.

So just like the bird

loves being a bird,

and the giraffe

enjoys being a giraffe,

find your own ways...

Deep Joy is the clue:

whenever you feel it

you are right in your place.

Whatever you do

affects all the rest.

And what you don´t do

undone will be left...

So stand in your Light

and your Light will light others...

And trust the strong thread

that great and small gathers:

LOVE is this deep bond

that we manifest

in a million ways...

And tonight this play

is only an example...

If your eyes are open...

You can´t miss the rest!!!

Thursday, 29 November 2007


Hello children, I hope you are preparing your TOPIC FORMS to show me tomorrow, together with the information about it. If you can't find much about a topic, feel free to change it... You must decide what you are going to talk about on Monday, and I need to see that tomorrow! Good luck, see you! Marcela

Tuesday, 27 November 2007


Remember we talked about the founding of the city of Rome? And some of us read that a group of archaeologists had found the place where the legendary wolf had fed the twin brothers... Here goes a link to the article in La NaciĆ³n, for those who could not read it. I hope you enjoy it! Marcela

Monday, 5 November 2007


Click on the questions you see in this site, and find out the following:


1. Who were the Vikings?

2. Where did they come from?

3. Did they believe in one or many gods? Name the most important ones.

4. How did the Vikings travel from one place to another? Find a picture of a longship and describe it.

Now click on the picture of Snayfwickby, and answer these questions about


5. How did the Vikings live? Describe a longhouse.

6. What type of clothes did they wear?

7. Did they use any metals?

8. Did the Vikings keep any animals? What did they use them for?

9. What was the smoke house? And the bake house?

10. How did the Vikings write? Click on this site, and you will be able to write your name in runes:

Now click on the next site, and find the answers to these questions:

12. Viking invasion: What weapons did the Vikings use to fight?

13. Viking Life: Describe a Viking house.

14. Viking Life: What clothes did they wear?

15. Travel, trade, etc: What goods did the Vikings buy and sell?

Now that you have found a lot of information about Vikings, can you draw a chart to summarize all you have learnt?